

A Summer of Festivals with Pierre-Laurent Aimard

This week marked the return of critically acclaimed pianist Pierre-Laurent Aimard to the Salzburg Festival on 6 August, one of several at which he appears over the summer months this year. Having already been featured in recent weeks at the Festival De Musica De Espinho, Crete Senesi Festival, Dubrovnik Summer Festival and Mänttä Music Festival, Aimard’s upcoming appearances include both concerto performances and solo recitals at the Edinburgh International Festival on 18 and 21 August (Schönberg and other composers), the Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on 25 and 28 August (Kurtág, Bach and Beethoven), and the Musikfestspiel Berlin on 1,2, 7 and 8 September (Schönberg, Ives, Stravinsky, Debussy and Mazzoli).