2021 Concert Streams
Despite cancellations of many events due to Covid-19, Pierre Laurent Aimard continues to present live-streamed recitals and concerts. Check back often for updates!
April 14 & 15, Winterthur Ticketed live stream of Mozart and Ligeti alongside the Musikkollegium Winterthur under Thomas Zehetmair
April 11, Heidelberger Frühling Live stream with Jörg Widmann featuring music of Widmann, Weber, Berg, and Kurtág.
March 21, Casa da Música Free rebroadcast from the January ‘Remix Ensemble’ concert featuring Messiaen’s “Les Oiseaux Exotiques” directed by Peter Rundel
February 19, Muziekgebouw Free streamed concert performed from Teldex Studios in Berlin in honor of György Kurtág’s 95th birthday.
January 20, Philharmonie de Paris Free live-streamed concert performed in front a small live audience from the Grand Hall. Pierre-Laurent performs alongside the Paris Orchestra under Klaus Mäkelä in a program featuring the works of Messiaen, Ravel, Boulez and Debussy.
January 15, Philharmonie Luxembourg Free live-streamed concert performed in front a small live audience from the Grand Auditorium. Pierre-Laurent performs alongside the Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra under Kazuki Yamada in a program featuring the works of Takemitsu, Ravel, and Debussy.